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Senior pictures are always a blast!  There are so many unique things you can do with them, and I'm willing to go anywhere you'd like to take them.

Kids portraits are some of my favorites to do.  I love to play around with them and let them do their own thing.  Sometimes you get the best smiles when they're doing something happy!

Family portraits can be as unique as you are!  I love capturing the joy a family shares together!

This is always a fun thing to capture the things you share as a couple and can get really unique!

What I Do


Here's a list of some of the services I offer.

Another one of my favorite things to take pictures of is bands and musicians, either while they play or for promotional pictures and I have a pretty big stock of ideas!


This is something I haven't actually gotten a chance to dive into quite yet, but I would love to get into this part of the business.


Whether it be a football game, a party, family reunion or anything you'd like to have memories of, or would need a photographer for.


I'm also always looking for models to help me with my own personal photography.  I have a lot of projects I'd like to do.  Series and such.

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